Friday, December 7, 2018

Week 15

Dear Parents and Students,
At the time of writing, we are yet to perform our Christmas concert, but we are all very excited in anticipation of the show. A big thank you to Mrs Johnson, who has put in so much work with not just our class, but all of the classes at HIS.
In the classroom:
Maths: We have just completed Topic 8, and our test took place on Thursday. We also had a cumulative test on Friday. This test required no studying, as it is designed to gauge our retention rate of all topics covered so far this year. Next week, we will begin our next topic, which focuses on geometry.
Literacy: We have been planning and drafting our Narrative Story which is due for publication next week.  We will read our stories aloud before the rest of the class next Thursday.  In grammar, we have continued with our study of verbs.

Science: We have almost finished our first Physical Science unit about energy, and have been enjoying a number of practical investigations.  We will complete this unit next week, and preview our next unit about motion which will begin in earnest after the break.
Social Studies: We have all but completed Unit 1, which sets the foundations and gives direction for our studies throughout the remainder of the year. Next week, we will complete an open book test dedicated to what we studied in Chapter 2. We will then preview the next unit, and discuss how we will be investigating each region. The open-book test will take place on Tuesday.
Next Friday, we will have a small Christmas/end of year party in the classroom. Students are welcome to bring snacks to share, although this is not an obligation. We will have a relaxing day, including watching a movie after we have completed all tasks and tidied up. This will be our final school day for 2018, and students will be dismissed at between 12:00-12:10 pm. Please check the newsletter, this blog, and Class Dojo messages for further details.
I hope everyone enjoys the winter break, and I wish you all safe journeys if you are traveling. We have one more week before our vacation, though, so students, I’ll see you all on Monday!

Important Dates:
Tue, Dec 11:               Social Studies open-book test – Chapter 2
Fri, Dec 14:                 Christmas / End of Year Party;  Half Day
15th Dec – 1st Jan:        Winter Break

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