Friday, February 15, 2019

Week 22

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope you all enjoyed the Lunar New Year break. It's good to see everyone back again, well rested and ready to take on Semester 2. We have barely skipped a beat in the classroom, and we are already back to working at our usual busy tempo.

We began the week reviewing Topic 12 in Maths. We then had our topic test on Tuesday, then a benchmark test and cumulative test on Wednesday and Thursday respectively. On Friday, we began Topic 13, and we are now becoming more confident when working with decimals. We will continue with Topic 13 next week.
 In our Literacy Workshop, we have all but completed our Book Promotions, and we will spend Monday and Tuesday adding the finishing touches to our projects. We will also spend some time next week preparing our oral presentations, which will take place on Thursday and Friday. We have a number of other activities for Literacy Week, including our usual Caves book sale on Wednesday, and a story time session on Thursday, in which Grade 4s will read to the Grade 1s. We also have our Book Character Dress Up Day on Thursday.

In Science, we have continued experimenting with electricity, and we can now build circuits in series and parallel, complete with switches. Next week, we will be reviewing what we have learned about energy, and we will also begin looking ahead towards this year's Science Fair projects.

In Social Studies, we began our study of the American Southeast, beginning with the geography of the area.  We will look at the history of the region next week, and to tie in with Literacy Week, we will learn about Sequoyah, a native of the region who developed a written form of his language, along with his young daughter, Anyokah.
I hope everyone enjoys the weekend, and I'll see you all on Monday for the beginning of Literacy Week!

Important Dates:
Feb 18-22:                    Literacy Week
Thu, Feb 21:                 Book Character Dress-up Day
Fri, Feb 22:                   Monthly assembly – parents welcome!
Feb 28-Mar 29:            Peace Day Public Holiday

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