Friday, June 14, 2019

Week 38

Dear Parents and Students,
Our penultimate week finds everyone excited in anticipation of Summer Break. We have all but finished our year’s work and we are now reflecting on all we have learned.
In the classroom:
We have completed our entire Maths curriculum, and we sat our final topic test on Tuesday. This was followed by our benchmark and cumulative tests, which took place on Wednesday and Thursday. We finished the week with activities that combine mathematics with art. We will continue with these fun and educational activities next week.
In our Literacy Workshop, we continued with our final grammar unit, Adverbs and Prepositions. We also read a biography of Gloria Estefan, who, after working hard throughout her youth, became a celebrated singer, and used her success to benefit others. On Friday, we had our final Level Set Tests for Achieve 3000. Please note that all current students’ accounts will remain accessible throughout the summer break. It is recommended to continue to read at least two articles per week to maintain and improve reading lexiles.  I hope everyone finds time to do two articles each week during summer!
In Science, we have continued our studies of ecosystems, and how living things interact with the environment. We will complete the unit next week, finishing with a final Mystery Science activity for the year.
All of our hard work over the past few weeks in Social Studies has finally paid off, and we all enjoyed some very high quality presentations on Tuesday and Thursday. Some photos are available via the link at the bottom of this post.
As this will be the final standard Grade 4 news blog for the year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents for your support throughout the year. Support at home is an important part of a child’s education, and I greatly appreciate the efforts you have made to help, assist and encourage your children, and also for the open communication we have maintained throughout the year. I would also like to thank all students for the efforts you have made throughout the year. There have been fun times and challenging times, but we have all made progress, and are ready for Grade 5.
We still have one week to go, including our in-class break-up party on Thursday. We will be watching Disney’s production of Alice in Wonderland. If you would like to bring snacks to watch during the movie, you may, but it is not obligatory.  Our final school assembly will be held at 2pm Thursday afternoon. Parents are welcome, as always.
Enjoy your weekend, and I will see you all on Monday!

Important Dates:
Thu, Jun 20:                G4 break-up party
                                    Final assembly – parents welcome

Fri, Jun 21:                  Half day; last day of school!

Group devised Apollonian Gasket:

 (with a few extra fractals for good measure!)

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