Friday, November 9, 2018

Week 11

Dear Parents and Students,

It's been a very compact week, but as always, we have managed to fit in plenty of learning  and exploration.
We have completed Topic 6 in Maths, in which we learned to identify, apply, and create algebraic expression for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems. We will review the topic on Monday, and the topic test will take place next Tuesday.
We completed Unit 2 in English, and spent some time writing reflections of our reading in our journals. Next week, we will read Tanya's Reunion in our Reading books, as we return to working in our Reading Circles. Our List 8 Spelling test will also take place next week, on Tuesday.
In Science, we have continued our explorations of energy, with a focus on sound. Next week, we will shift our attention to light energy.
Our Social Studies lessons have been about democracy, which has been quite fitting with the upcoming elections in Taiwan. We have learned about democracy in Ancient Greece and Rome, and made comparisons between those and the modern models that exist in Taiwan, the USA, and other countries.
We return to a full week with a regular curriculum next week, but please remember that there will be no Monday or Wednesday clubs, as parent/teacher meetings will be taking place all week.
Parents, I look forward to meeting you all at the meetings, and students, I will see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Mon-Fri, Nov 12-16:  Parent/Teacher Interviews
Tue, Nov 13:               Math test – Topic 6
Wed, Nov 28:              Fun Day – Parents welcome
Fri, Nov 30:                Monthly Assembly – Parents welcome
Fri, Dec 7:                   Christmas Show
Fri, Dec 14:                 Half Day
15th Dec – 1st Jan:        Winter Break

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