Friday, November 16, 2018

Week 12

Dear Parents and Students,
I would first like to thank all parents for making the time to come in and see me during the week. Open communication is an integral part of every child’s development.  The parent/teacher meetings are always insightful, and most often lead to further improvements in your children’s academic opportunities and general wellbeing. 
During the school days, we have been busy in class. In Maths, we completed Topic 6 with the topic test on Tuesday. This topic has been a very successful venture, and I think we are all feeling a lot more confident about our understanding of algebra. We began Topic 7 on Wednesday, and as this is another fairly short topic, the test will take place next Thursday.
In our Literacy Workshop, we read Tanya's Reunion, and discussed the story in our Reading Circles. The conversations taking place have been very impressive, with each group learning to delve more deeply into the story and its themes. Next week, we will continue our reading with another story: Boss of the Plains.
In Science, we investigated light energy. We had a lot of fun refracting light with the use of mirrors, water, and prisms. Pictures of our investigations can be found via a link at the end of this post. Next week, we will be investigating thermal energy.
In Social Studies, we have continued our study of different types of governments and economies. Next week, we will be learning about how nations and continents can be divided into different types of regions.
As you know, we will celebrate Thanksgiving next Thursday. For parents who are able to attend, I look forward to seeing you all again. To all other parents, thank you for your generosity in contributing all of the delicious food. We will be thinking about you!
As always, important upcoming dates are listed below. I hope you all enjoy a restful weekend, and I’ll see you all next Monday.

Thu, Nov 22:              Thanksgiving Lunch
                                    Maths test – Topic 7
Wed, Nov 28:              Fun Day – Parents welcome
Fri, Nov 30:                Monthly Assembly – Parents welcome
Fri, Dec 7:                   Christmas Show
Fri, Dec 14:                 Half Day

15th Dec – 1st Jan:        Winter Break

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