Friday, April 19, 2019

Week 30

Dear Parents and Students,

I would first like to thank all parents for taking time out of your busy schedules to come in to see me. Communication is integral to the healthy development of your children, and it is good to be able to discuss the progress of your kids, and share viewpoints of how to support and encourage the students of Grade 4.
In the classroom, we have been busy, as usual. In Maths, we have completed Topic 16. We have studied customary and metric units of measurement, including temperature and time. In addition to our topic test on Wednesday, we had a benchmark test on Thursday, and a cumulative test on Friday. With all of these tests behind us, we are now ready to begin our next topic on Monday. Topic 17 deals with collection of data, and reading and creating graphs. This will come in very useful as we prepare our presentations for Science Fair.
 In our Literacy Workshop, we have had some very insightful discussions during our Reading Circles. Our story for the week was My Name Is Maria Isabel, which follows the trials of a new girl at school, and how she overcomes her problems. We also completed Unit 5 in grammar, and have begun our next unit, dedicated to pronouns.
Who’s been throwing paper planes in class?  We all have! We had some fun this week in Science, comparing designs of paper planes, and then analyzing how our findings might contribute to the designing and redesigning of real aeroplanes. We are currently reviewing what we have studied in the Skills Handbook, and spending the rest of our Science lessons working on our Science Fair projects.
In Social Studies, we have continued with our study of the American Midwest, and have begun to review the chapter. We will review Chapter 8 early next week, before sitting a minor test on Wednesday. We will continue with the Midwest on Thursday, shifting our focus to what the region is like today. We will continue with this chapter though to the following week.
For those of you who celebrate Easter, I hope you enjoy the weekend. On Monday, HIS will hold our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Students, don’t forget to bring your Easter basket! (A small bag will also suffice!)
As always, important dates are listed below. Happy Easter, and I will see you all on Monday!
Important Dates:
Sun, Apr 21                 Easter Sunday
Mon, Apr 22               Easter Egg Hunt
Wed, Apr 24                Social Studies test – Chapter 8
Fri, Apr 26                  Monthly Assembly

Tue, Apr 30                Science Fair

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