Friday, October 5, 2018

Week 6

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope everyone is enjoying the cool change, and that nobody is feeling too cold. We have been busy in class, as usual.
In Maths, we completed Topic 3 with a topic test and performance assessment. Next week, we will begin Topic 4, which is dedicated to division.
We spent some of our Literacy Workshop time observing Global Awareness Week, and we had some insightful conversations about what we can do to improve our world. We discussed various goal we can set ourselves, and then wrote about them in our journals. Finally, we typed our proposals to present with our Goalkeeper posters that we created via the World's Largest Lesson website.  We all hope to be able to achieve our goals during the short and long term future.
Our studies of the Earth in Science have shifted from slow surface changes to rapid changes. Our Mystery Science activity has us investigating the causes and effects of landslides, and using our newly acquired knowledge to design ways in which we can prevent or minimise damage. We also learned more about earthquakes this week, and we will further our learning next Friday, when we visit the Taichung Earthquake Museum.
In Social Studies, we have been focusing on natural resources, which has fitted in well with our discussions of Global Awareness. Next week, we will review all we have studied over the past few weeks, and a minor test will take place on the following Tuesday, 16th October.
As you know, Wednesday, 10th October is a public holiday, and school will be closed for the day.  Our field trip will take place on Friday. Other important dates are listed below. I hope you all enjoy the weekend, and I'll see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Wed.    Oct. 10:           Public Holiday – no school
Fri.      Oct 12:            Field trip to Taichung Earthquake Museum
Fri.      Oct 26:            Monthly Assembly
Wed.    Oct 31:            Fancy Dress Day

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