Friday, October 19, 2018

Week 8

Dear Parents and Students,
It seems that autumn has finally arrived, and we can enjoy some cooler weather. It has been a busy week in Grade 4, as we have had a number of tests and assessments throughout the week.
In Maths, we have completed Topic 4, and in addition to the topic test, we have also completed our first round of cumulative and benchmark tests. Next week, we will return to our regular lessons, beginning with Topic 5 and multiplication.
In our Literacy Workshop we have spent most of our time working in our Personal Narrative stories. We have pushed our publishing date back a little, and we now plan to be ready to present our stories next Tuesday. In grammar, we are continuing with nouns, and our current spelling list is review of the previous lists.
We have completed our studies Earth Science, and our unit test is scheduled for next Friday. We will spend some time next week reviewing the unit. Our next unit – Physical Science – will begin the following week.
 We had a chapter test in Social Studies, which brings our study of geography and climate to a close for the time being. We have moved our attention to citizenship, and everyone is excited about our upcoming minor presentation assignment about patriotism. More information about the assignment will be sent home next week.
We finished the week with an extra Performing Arts lesson to make up for the one we missed last Friday, due to the field trip. Everyone is working hard with Mrs. Johnson, and it looks like we will be enjoying a very impressive Halloween performance on the 31st October!
Our Halloween / Fancy Dress day, along with other important dates are listed below, as usual. I hope you all enjoy a great weekend, and I’ll see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Fri.      Oct 19:            Maths benchmark test – Topics 1-4
Fri.      Oct 26:            Science Test
                                    Monthly Assembly
Wed.    Oct 31:            Fancy Dress Day
Mon-Tue, Nov 5-6:    Midterm break. School closed.
Mon-Fri, Nov 12-16:  Parent/Teacher Interviews

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