Friday, October 12, 2018

Week 7

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope everyone enjoyed the 10/10 National Holiday. Despite the midweek break, we have accomplished a great deal in class this week.
In Maths, we are working through Topic 4, and have been reviewing what we know about division. We will complete the topic next week, with the Topic Test to take place on Wednesday. A cumulative test and a benchmark test will also take place on Thursday and Friday respectively.
In our Literacy Workshop we have begun planning our Personal Narrative stories, and we will begin drafting on Monday. We will spend most of the week working on the narratives, with an aim to publish on Thursday. We are also continuing our study of nouns in our grammar lessons.
We have all but completed our studies of the Earth in Science. Of course, we finished our week with a visit to the Taichung Earthquake Museum, which has been a great opportunity to see real examples of some of the effects of rapid surface changes to the Earth. Photos of our field trip shall be posted shortly. Next week, we will spend some time studying the water cycle and water as a natural resource, and then we will begin to review the unit. A minor test will take place during the following week.
In Social Studies, we have been reviewing all we have learned over the past six weeks. Our first Social studies test will take place on the Tuesday, and then we will move on to our next topic, which focuses on citizenship.
Next week will be another busy one! Please check important dates below. Have a great weekend, and I’ll see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Tue.     Oct 16:            Social Studies test – Chapter 1
Wed.    Oct. 17:           Maths test – Topic 4
Thu.    Oct 18:            Maths cumulative test – Topics 1-4
Fri.      Oct 19:            Maths benchmark test – Topics 1-4
Fri.      Oct 26:            Monthly Assembly
Wed.    Oct 31:            Fancy Dress Day

Field Trip Photos!

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