Friday, October 26, 2018

Week 9

Dear Parents and Students,

Everyone is getting excited about our upcoming Dress-up Day and performance next week. It will be fun to see everybody’s costumes, and I hope many parents are able to come and join us on Wednesday morning. In class this week, we were busy as usual.
In Maths, we have been working on Topic 5, which revisits multiplication. We will continue next week, with a topic test scheduled for Thursday, before we begin Topic 6 on Friday.
In our Literacy Workshop we all enjoyed listening to one another’s Personal Narratives. We have continued with our study of nouns, and we read an interesting account of one girl’s experiences on the Titanic, and one crew’s search for the famous ship 75 years later. The audio version of the story can be found in Thursday’s blog post, along with links to pictures and interactive pages. We will begin a new theme in Reading next week, beginning with a book called Tomas and the Library Lady.
Our studies Earth Science came to a close with our unit test on Friday. We will begin our Physical Science unit next week.
 We have started a new chapter in Social Studies, and we are all researching for our upcoming presentation about patriotism. Everyone has chosen a country to represent, and we will all enjoy learning from one another when we take turns to present next Tuesday and Thursday.
As you know, our mid-semester break will be on Monday and Tuesday, 5th-6th November. Please check below for other important dates, and I hope to see everyone at our Halloween / Fancy Dress day on Wednesday.
Students, I’ll see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Tue-Wed. Oct 30-31:  Patriotic Symbols presentation
Wed.    Oct 31:            Fancy Dress Day – Parents welcome!
Thu.    Nov 1:             Math test – Topic 5
Mon-Tue, Nov 5-6:    Midterm break. School closed.
Mon-Fri, Nov 12-16:  Parent/Teacher Interviews

Students of the Week:

Leo, Rady, Sohyun, Sara.
Well done, everyone!

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