Friday, March 8, 2019

Week 25

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. We have enjoyed a full-size, busy week in Grade 4, and as always, we have been very productive.
In Maths, we have been working our way through Topic 14, and learning some very useful formulas. We have also discussed the importance of understanding the formulas we learn, and not simply memorising them. We will continue our studies of area and perimeter throughout next week, with our topic test to take place on Friday, 15th March.
 In our Literacy Workshop, we continued our grammar unit about capitalisation and punctuation. We have also read the first chapter of Lewis Carrol's Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The next three weeks will be dedicated to reading Alice together, and we will be discussing each chapter in turn.
In Science, we have finalised our topics for the Science Fair, and we are completing our preliminary research. Parents, please support your children by signing your name in the booklet for each stage of the Science Fair process as it is completed. While each pair of students works on individual projects, we are also working together in class and learning about the Scientific Process, including preparation, research strategies, and safety. While discussing the tools a scientist might use, we had some fun this week examining various specimens under a microscope.
In Social Studies, we been reading about the Southeast states of today, and the types of industries that our found there now. This week, we focused on the Atlantic States. Next week, we will turn our attention to the Gulf Coast states and inland states of the region.
We are all excited about Spirit Week, which begins with Superhero Day on Monday. The rest of the week's schedule, along with other important dates, can be found below.
I hope you enjoy your weekend, and I hope to see parents and families at Race Day on Wednesday, if you are able to make it. Students, I'll see you all on Monday!

Important Dates:
Mon, Mar 11: Superheroes Day
Tue, Mar 12:   Career Day
Wed, Mar 13:  Race Day – (G4 to wear BLUE) parents welcome
Thu, Mar 14:   Animal Day
Fri, Mar 15:     Neon Day
                        Math test – Topic 14
Thu, Mar 28:   International Expo – parents welcome
Fri, Mar 29:     Monthly Assembly

Mar 30-Apr 7:            Spring Break – No school

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