Friday, March 15, 2019

Week 26

Dear Parents and Students,

Spirit Week has been a lot of fun, and our Race Day was especially successful. Everyone at HIS has been remarking on what a great sense of sportsmanship we all felt as we supported our friends, classmates, and teachers. Thank you to all of the parents who were able to attend, and a special thank you to those parents who participated in the races and soccer games! Photos taken throughout the week can be found via the link at the end of this post. Parents are welcome to add your own photos to the album.
In the classroom, we completed another Maths topic, and our Topic 14 test took place on Friday. Next week, we shift our attention from two-dimensional figures to three-dimensional shapes. Topic 15 is all about solids, and how to measure their dimensions. This is a short topic, and the test will take place next Friday.
 In our Literacy Workshop, we have been enjoying Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. We have been discussing the story as a class and also in our reading groups, leading to some very insightful conversations. We have also continued our grammar unit, focusing on the capitalization and punctuation of proper nouns and abbreviations.
In Science, our Science Fair projects are beginning to take shape, as we establish our hypotheses and finalise our planning for experimentation. Regular conferences each week will be held to make sure everyone is on track. In the classroom, we are continuing with our Science Handbook, and performing some minor experiments that model the Scientific Process.
In Social Studies, we have continued our exploration of the Southeast states. Next week, we will review what we have studied throughout Unit 3, and we will sit an open-book test on Thursday.
Thank you to all parents who helped with costumes and supported your children throughout Spirit Week and Race Day. Next week, we have another ‘normal’ week. In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy your weekend, and I will see everyone back a school on Monday!

Important Dates:
Fri, Mar : Math test – Topic 22
Thu, Mar 28: International Expo – parents welcome
Fri, Mar 29: Monthly Assembly
Mar 30-Apr 7: Spring Break – No school

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