Friday, March 22, 2019

Week 27

Dear Parents and Students,

Wednesday marked the spring equinox, and we can now enjoy increasingly longer days until summer. Regardless of the amount of daylight in the day, our days in Grade 4 are always full.
In Maths, we have already completed Topic 15. We have spent the week studying solid figures, including cutting out our own geometrical nets and building three-dimensional shapes. It was a very short topic, and our test took place on Friday.  Next week, we will begin Topic 16, in which we will revisit what we know about various modes of measurement, beginning on Monday with with customary units of length. We will then continue with weight and capacity, and then we will move on to metric units on Friday, and throughout the following week.
 How is a raven like a writing desk? We have had a lot of fun discussing this and similar “curious” questions as we have followed Alice's adventures through Wonderland during our Literacy Workshop. We have shared all manner of interpretations of this timeless story, as we learn to appreciate that stories can inspire us in many different ways. The fun continues next week, as we complete the story in class. We have also had some fun in our grammar lessons, writing and rewriting sentences with or without commas, to comic effect. Fun with commas will also continue next week.
In Science, we have been utilising the Skills Handbook supplement of our Science books to understand the important aspects of successful scientific research, and then applying our findings and newly acquired skills to our Science Fair investigations. Parents, please support your children by signing the Science Fair handbook in the appropriate space as each stage of the Science Fair process is completed. We will continue regular conferences in the classroom to make sure that everybody's research is on track. Please keep in mind that we have a week off school after the end of next week, and that you may need to plan your research carefully if you are going away for the week.
In Social Studies, we finished our study of the American Southeast with an open-book test on Thursday. Next week, we will begin a new unit dedicated the the American Midwest, and we will make comparisons of the region's geographical, economic, political, and historical elements with those we have studied in the eastern regions.
As you know, this coming Thursday, 28th March, Grades PreK, 1, 3, and 5 will showcase their International Expo. Although Grade 4 will not be presenting, all parents are still welcome and encouraged to attend and enjoy the morning. The expo is always a lot of fun, and a great way to learn about different parts of the world. I hope to see you there if you are able to attend. In the meantime, have a great weekend, and I'll see you all on Monday!

Important Dates:
Thu, Mar 28:   International Expo – parents welcome
Fri, Mar 29:     Monthly Assembly – parents welcome
Mar 30-Apr 7:            Spring Break – No school

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