Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Homework, Wednesday, 23rd January

Maths:  Review Topic 4 - Test tomorrow  pp. 262-263  (Extra Practice pp.264-265) Answers below
Literacy: We will proofread and publish our instructions tomorrow.
Science: Benchmark Practice p.76 and Lesson Check worksheets (2-1;2-2) due next Tuesday.

Why do animals come back after going to warmer places for the winter?
Click here to watch this morning's curiosity lesson again.

Topic 11 Practice Test Answers
1. B      2. A     3. D     4. D     5. C      6. B      7. C      8. B      9. D     10. A   11. C    12. A  

Topic 11 Extra Practice Answer Key
Set A
1.      3/7
2.      2/5
3.      ¾
4.      3/10
5.      ½
6.      1/3
7.      1
8.      2/13
9.      1/3
10.   5/6

Set B
1.       11/12
2.       14/15
3.       4/9
4.       5/12
5.       7/8
6.       7/9
7.       1
8.       ¾
9.       ½
10.    7/12
11.    7/12
12.    5/6
Set C
1.      3/8
2.      ¼
3.      1/6
4.      1/5
5.      3/10
6.      2/3
7.      ¾
8.      4/9
9.      1/5
10.   1/6

Set D
1.     ¼ - 1/8 = 1/8 mile farther
2.     9/12 – 2/3 = 1/12 foot taller

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