Friday, January 25, 2019

Week 20

Dear Parents and Students,

We have reached our last full week of the first semester! Next week will only be four days long, as next Friday will be the first day of our Chinese New Year vacation. To celebrate Chinese New Year at school, we have a number of activities, including art, calligraphy, and even maths!

Speaking of Maths, we completed yet another topic this week, and had our Topic 11 test on Thursday. We have already begun topic 12, which shifts our attention to decimals. We will continue with decimals next week.

 In our Literacy Workshop, we spent most of our time drafting, revising, and publishing or Instructions. We have also been studying adjectives, including comparatives and superlatives. We will continue with adjectives next week, and we will also have some fun reading our next story, Heatwave!

In Science, we have been reviewing all we have learned about force, notion, speed, and velocity. We finished the week by previewing what we will be studying next week; electricity! As mentioned in the blog last week, students may use the electric kits provided in class, but if you buy your own, you can keep it, and take it home with you. A picture of the kit and a link to further details is included at the bottom of this post.

In Social Studies, we have continued our study of the states of the New England and Middle Atlantic areas in the American Northwest. While investigating the areas, we have also been making comparisons between American cities and cities in Japan and Taiwan, and how advances in technology has made long distance commuting possible.

We finished our week by saying goodbye to Sohyun, who is leaving Taiwan to begin a new exciting chapter of her life. Good luck Sohyun, we will all miss you!

I hope you all enjoy your weekend, and I will see you all Monday. Please remember to wear red on Wednesday, and bring your chopsticks on Thursday!

Important Dates:
Mon-Thu, Jan 28-31:  Chinese Week:
            Monday:         Chinese Paper Cutting
            Tuesday:         Calligraphy
            Wednesday:     Dress in RED; Zodiac Clay Animals
            Thursday:       Dumpling Day - bring chopsticks!
Fri-Sun, Feb 1-10:       Chinese New Year vacation – School closed

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